Dreaming of becoming a published author? We’re here to help you make that dream a reality.
As a leading book editing service, Writerful Books provides aspiring authors with the guidance and expertise needed to get your manuscript noticed.
Our team of professional editors will review your work with a keen eye, providing developmental editing to strengthen your story and line editing to perfect your prose.
We’ll ensure your book is submission-ready, dramatically increasing your chances of signing with a literary agent or publisher.
Thinking of self-publishing? We offer the same high-level editing to make your book shine.
Our services include:
► Manuscript assessments to evaluate your work’s strengths and areas for improvement.
► Developmental editing to enhance plot, pacing, characterization, and more.
► Line editing to improve flow, tone, word choice, and syntax.
► Evaluations to appraise your cover letter and synopsis to boost your chances of signing with a literary agent.
► Beta reading and sensitivity reading to ensure there is no glaring errors in your story; cultural inaccuracies or misrepresentations.
Don’t leave your manuscript’s potential up to chance. Our editors have helped thousands of writers in Australia, Canada, Ireland, Netherlands, New Zealand, UK, and the USA refine their work and get published. We’re passionate about helping you share your story with the world. View our book editing services below to request a quote.
Let’s embark on a journey to realise your literary ambitions!
Thanks so much for your thorough and constructive review! Being into romance writing, I'm not surprised the romance is a little overdone. I will revisit and find a way of dealing with the issues you so proficiently highlight. It does all make sense, and yes, I did want to finish the story quickly. I got my idea for the ending from The Birds(Hitchcock) - when they drive off leaving behind a problem that is clearly not going away. Regards, Nella. - Nella R.
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Thanks for the good advice. I’ll keep working on it.
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- Margaret D.
To cut a long story short. Could you improve the story and if so what would it cost me to do so. I'm thinking that a bit of tweaking will help the story tremendously. Margaret - Margaret D.
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- Peter B.
Thank you so much for your manuscript assessment. Very interesting and helpful to read it from the perspective of a professional. I agree with your advice. As I said in my draft submission letter I have spent a large part of my life writing and delivering humorous material as I seem to find much of what people find important to be in fact open to a humorous interpretation. Once again many thanks. Kindest personal regards. Peter - Peter B.
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- Claire C.
Thanks so much for you assessment. I have to confess, you were far more positive about my writing than I was expecting!
I have read through the assessment a couple of times and I am about to work my way through the Word version.
I was not surprised by your notes on the opening. It has been haunting me through every edit. Who knew the first line would be the most challenging. Thank you for your thoughts, I will see what I can do to make it more compelling/inviting.
It was also good for you to pick out the section I did on the vows. If you can believe it, it was a lot worse! I went on a crazy tangent, even played around with an illustration. I felt like a blog was inserted into the chapter, but I kept it in because I was trying to show in the reality of vows an entertaining way. I shall remove it happily and explore other ways of making my point.
For now, I have lots to do and I am looking forward to diving back into the manuscript with some direction and perspective from you.
Thanks again. It was really wonderful to read your encouraging words. This was very much a personal challenge for me - to write a story that had been dancing around in my mind for a few years. Knowing it wasn’t a total turd spurs me on to have a go at a second one.
Claire - Claire C.
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- Barbara R.
Thank you so much for your thorough and conscientious review of my manuscript, and for your honest feedback and suggestions. I have already made several suggested edits. - Barbara R.
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- Lisa H.
I am in receipt of your report. I will be looking it over thoroughly tomorrow, but I glanced at some if it already and it looks like it is going to be very valuable toward helping me improve and strengthen my book. I will let you know if I have any questions. - Lisa H.
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- Helen G.
Thank you so much for your insightful comments. I had to laugh at the grammatical errors. It seems no matter how hard I try to find them, some always get through. Grammarly is good, but it doesn’t seem to ever catch it all. This novel went through 4 edits with the program and it missed all of those you specified. I need to read it aloud, which I haven’t done. It is the best way but time consuming. - Helen G.
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- Rob D.
I am happy with the advice you have provided, it is practical and identifies real areas on how I can improve it further. Seems I underestimated how “ready” the manuscript is and may explain why there has been a lot of rejection. - Rob D.
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- John B.
Hi Declan, I finally got The Last Five Swords published and would like to send you a copy as you were very instrumental in getting it over the line! Thanks for your help, John. - John B.
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- Latifa J.
Thank you for the manuscript assessment. I really appreciate how quickly you've gotten back to me. I'll start working on it as soon as possible, (rewriting it, taking everything you've mentioned into consideration). Thanks again! Regards,
Latifa - Latifa J.
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- Lulu K.
Thank you so much for the report and for all your observations within it. Having this professional guidance is what I have been yearning for since I started writing the book. I am an early school leaver and also suffer from dyslexia so I knew there would be many grammar mistakes as well restructuring to be done. I sometimes overwrite things as what I am trying to express gets tied up in my mind in knots of confusion. - Lulu K.
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- Patricia L.
I took a quick read of the report yesterday and will focus in today. It appears I have a lot of work to do to create a book people will buy.
Appreciate the honesty.
Patricia - Patricia L.
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- Jeffrey M.
I totally get why it took longer to read. I feel a little goofy pestering you so much, I just wasn’t sure. You have nothing to apologize for. You were right, this was a top notch reading which will greatly help my revisions. - Jeffrey M.
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- Phil P.
Thanks for the detailed report and the prompt turnaround. I don't have any questions about the report - it's all pretty clear. I appreciate the great feedback. Thanks, Phil Preckler. - Phil P.
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- Jodi L.
I just read your comments and am feeling deeply grateful. You've given me a new confidence that the subtleties I was hoping to convey are coming through to a caring and thoughtful reader. I will certainly work on the few words you suggested reconsidering. One one of them ("knacker") I was wondering about myself ... whether it had too many other meanings to be clear in that context. Indeed I struggled with hating to use the language of the era, but knowing it was how the characters would speak. I am glad you felt that was a reasonable choice. Also, as this was a new epilogue (after several tries that weren't working all that well), I am quite grateful that you've given it a stamp of approval. I do feel that I'm finally ready to send this book to agents... to let it out of my own little world. It's been a very long road of discovering this challenging craft, and readers like you make it worth it. Many thanks to you, and I quite expect I'll get back in touch for the next one. Rinse and repeat.... that's a writing life! - Jodi L.