Why You Need to Hire an Editor? Writerful Books, 11 November 201611 May 2023 Congratulations if you’ve just finished your manuscript! You’ve reached the finish line of your writing journey, but before you break out the bubbly, ask yourself: is my book truly ready for publication? As difficult as it may be, looking at your work objectively and being aware of its strengths and weaknesses is critical to making a compelling piece. This is where a professional editor comes in. But why exactly should you invest in an editor for your book? Writing a book is a challenging process. It requires creative thinking, creative strategy, and lots of effort to craft something that captures the attention of your readers and keeps them turning the pages. When your book is complete, however, it’s essential to take a step back and take a professional look at your writing before you submit it for publication. Professional editing can be your key to success when it comes to getting published as it enables you to gain a fresh perspective on your work, benefit from the expertise an editor can provide, and ensure your manuscript is ready for submission. Learning Experience Working with an expert will expand your knowledge on how to elevate your work to the next level. You’ll receive valuable feedback that helps strengthen your skills as a writer. This feedback will teach you how to apply it to your current work and future projects. You’ll develop an intuition for what kind of attention your work needs and when to ask for feedback. Having a professional editor assess your work can help you become a better writer and gain valuable insight on how to move forward. It can provide clarity about the changes you need to make, giving you the guidance and constructive feedback you need to take your writing to the next level. As you work with an editor, you’ll become more attuned to revisions and their feedback ill improve the quality of your work. Industry Insider A professional editor can offer an industry perspective, experience and insight in a specific genre that critique partners may not have. As long as you find someone with relevant industry experience, you will gain an understanding of what the editorial process looks and feels like. It’s an invaluable career relationship. Hiring an experienced professional editor will provide you with an edge when it comes to navigating the publishing process. Editors with industry knowledge and experience can offer you valuable strategies and insight into what it takes to make a good book. Nurturing a relationship with your book editor may give you a competitive advantage and help you refine your writing techniques in the long run. Submission Preparation While some writers may hire an editor purely with the intention of increasing their chances of publication, it often results in a lesser quality of work. Surface-level changes do little to enhance the chances of publication. It’s important for writers to understand which editor to choose for their particular work. Often, less experienced writers are more hesitant to revise, resulting in a lower-quality manuscript. The editing process is important and should not be taken lightly when you are preparing your manuscript for submission. Many writers may think they are done when the book is written, but ensuring a polished finished product is an absolute must and should not be overlooked. Taking the time to have an editorial review of your work can ensure that your book is free from technical errors, is well-written, and makes a positive impression on prospective publishers. Submitting a professionally edited manuscript is different for each writer, but it is worth the effort, time, and money; a little extra editing and polishing can make the difference when it comes to whether your manuscript will be accepted or rejected. When done right, an editorial review can create a first-rate manuscript that stands out among others and has a better chance of succeeding in the publishing arena. To ensure your manuscript receives the right attention, we recommend investing in a professional editor for invaluable feedback and to help you achieve your own writing dreams. Here’s what our authors had to say… - Maia F. Thank you so much, Declan. I’m actually going to submit the manuscript (after editing and polishing as much as possible) to a contest. Then, I’ll see what feedback I get and will go from there. I’m not sure if it’ll be a traditionally-published novel or I’ll self-publish it, but either way…it’ll happen 😊. I really appreciate your help. - Maia F.Read Moreread less - Lulu K. Thank you so much for the report and for all your observations within it. Having this professional guidance is what I have been yearning for since I started writing the book. I am an early school leaver and also suffer from dyslexia so I knew there would be many grammar mistakes as well restructuring to be done. I sometimes overwrite things as what I am trying to express gets tied up in my mind in knots of confusion. - Lulu K.Read Moreread less - Jo D. Thank you for the report. I like my premise for this work, but clearly I’m having trouble pulling it off. Thanks for catching so much. Best, Jo - Jo D.Read Moreread less - Mel K. Thanks for your feedback. Its quite critical, but better to get it now than later. Mel. - Mel K.Read Moreread less - Morgan V. I appreciate your quick and efficient work on this. As a writer, my biggest fear is that I'll bore people in the process of the read. Hopefully that wasn't the case here, though it sounds like it did a bit in the middle. I think my plan is to go the self publishing route. Perhaps that will make a difference in my word count. I did shave off about 10,000 words before I gave it to you. I don't know how in the world I'd ever get it down to 90. Then again, if it is in the YA category, perhaps it needs to be. Which brings me to that. Where do you think you would find it on a Barnes and Noble bookshelf? And is there a certain niche readership that I would need to find for it to latch on? - Morgan V.Read Moreread less - Sonya S. Thank you for your professional feedback. I really appreciate your advice and your ability to be direct. You have given me a lot to think about. I look forward to the challenge. Warm Regards, Sonya. - Sonya S.Read Moreread less - Joseph C. Report received, many thanks. I'll let you know how it goes once I get stuck into the drafting. Cheers - Joe - Joseph C.Read Moreread less - Pat K. Thank you for the valuable feedback on both the strengths and weaknesses of Windshift. I'll be working on those improvements during the weeks ahead. Thanks again, Pat. - Pat K.Read Moreread less - Jo V. Thanks so much for arranging this review. I really enjoyed it. I have a bit of distance from the writing now so it’s great to have this feedback and it will fuel my current and future writing. Many thanks! Jo - Jo V.Read Moreread less - Sean C. Thank you so much for your report. And I agree with, say, 95% of it. I always wanted to better describe the technical aspects of the business and I could have written 200,000 - 300,000 words, but I learned as I went along that that was not the route to take. I’m happy now to say hello again to the text and begin to revise it pretty much in the manner you suggest. I must say that it’s the journey of writing the book that is so satisfying – I suspect I will be lost when it’s actually finished (although I have an idea for another one). Good luck with Heart of Darkness, one of my favorites; you’ll easily breeze through it since it’s so short, then think, “what was he actually talking about”? Enjoy! - Sean C.Read Moreread less - Jeffrey M. I totally get why it took longer to read. I feel a little goofy pestering you so much, I just wasn’t sure. You have nothing to apologize for. You were right, this was a top notch reading which will greatly help my revisions. - Jeffrey M.Read Moreread less - David J. Thanks for that, your reviewer made some pretty encouraging comments and I can see the sense in the bits they criticised. I've made notes of a few things I'm going to modify or even remove. I hope you are also well. Kind regards, David. - David J.Read Moreread less - Alex M. Thank you very much! I hope it wasn't too raw and disconnected at this stage; there is perhaps too much ranting in there. Is it possible to do another round of beta reading with your company, after I review/edit? - Alex M.Read Moreread less - Vanessa R. Thanks so much, I really appreciate it. Your report is so thorough and encouraging. I will write more on the weekend when I’m not so tired — a new school year has started here and I’m a teacher and my mind is already fried. - Vanessa R.Read Moreread less - Philip K. Hello Declan – I have been through your further assessment, thanks for those insights I can certainly work with those and will follow up on the contacts you suggest asap. I’m pleased to report that after many months of research and writing I have finally been able, this week, to self publish on Amazon the novel named “Treaty or Treason”! A close call with Penguin Ireland sadly didn’t work out for traditional publication. I would like to pass on particular thanks to Declan at Writerful Books (Dublin and Melbourne) who assessed the manuscript and helped me with many comments and kept me trudging or swimming on. Some famous author once commented that writing a book is like swimming the English Channel, you don’t know where you are, don’t know how far you have come or how far it is to go, but you have to keep swimming! Couldn’t agree more. Philip Kerrigan. - Philip K.Read Moreread less - Nella R. Thanks so much for your thorough and constructive review! Being into romance writing, I'm not surprised the romance is a little overdone. I will revisit and find a way of dealing with the issues you so proficiently highlight. It does all make sense, and yes, I did want to finish the story quickly. I got my idea for the ending from The Birds(Hitchcock) - when they drive off leaving behind a problem that is clearly not going away. Regards, Nella. - Nella R.Read Moreread less load more Our team of experienced editors is committed to providing you with the highest quality service possible. If, for any reason, you are not satisfied with the quality of our work, we offer a 100% satisfaction guarantee. We will work with you to address any issues or concerns and either redo the service to your satisfaction or provide you with a full refund. We are dedicated to exceeding your expectations and helping you create the best book possible. You can have full confidence in our commitment to quality and client satisfaction. 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